Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm quite pleased with myself


Oh golly gosh blog, it's been a while. Since I could, Hold my head up highhh... Thats enough Staind for today. Weird.

Anyways, I've been particularly busy with all this stuff I've been doing, like: Sitting, Laying down, staring...That's about it. I'm joking obviously, but what made me busy is of absolutely no interest to anyone at all, just business stuff. So it's exam week in lame ol' highscool, not much is different than last year. Except th God given privledge of exemptions. Cya later, English! Woo! I've never been so pumped in my life, the first time I've actually been rewarded with not missing any school. Man I sound like a keener. I sleep in class a lot if thats any consolation.

I don't even know what to talk about today. I'm really bored. Like, I never work anymore, school is just irrelevant. Don't wanna talk about it. I pretty much play music all day. YES! Thats it! A TOPIC! Circle round children, circle round...

We had band practise today. It was good. End of story

Golly Gee Whiz am I ever interesting. I need to do my grad write up. I think I've devised such a clever plan. I'm going to pass in a baby photo for the yearbook( I don't know why they have that page it's weird. I normally would never participate in something that lame, but my plan is too beautiful to go undone) but the photo I'm going to pass in, is not going to be a photo of myself. I'm gonna pass in a baby picture, that is clearly not myself, so I can always look back and say "Thats totally not me lol". It was the best plan I've ever thought of in my entire life. I may even go as far as to photoshop something dumb in the background, or on my face. Like an unsightly mole. Ohh how dastardly.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New...year? WUT?

I think I have an addiction. In the last 4 days I've watched 29 hours of Heroes. That's over 1/4 of my time. If you factor in sleeping, I don't have much time to do anything else. This isn't good, so I've devised a solution to my woes. I'm going to double the amount of Heroes I'm watching, so I can finish the seasons faster. It's a genius idea if you ask me.

Also, we're doing another band in the studio as of yesterday, and it's turning out quite well. I'll post the results when we're done a song or two. The bands pretty easy to work with too, it's blissful really. They're very responsive to a "Stop playing now" or a "You're a little off time" It's quite nice. I didn't use any punctuation there because I couldn't remember how to use it with quotations, and I made this sentence after it so I could look a little more like an idiot than I already would have hadn't I made it.

Wow, I forgot to post this. So four days later, I've finished season one and two of heroes. Man, I'm a champ. We finished a new song for a band in the studios, check it out on the myspace bay-beeeeee www.myspace.com/swaggerstudio

Thats all I have for now, it's been pretty uneventful around here. Except for that one time, when I watched heroes for every waking second. God, that was sweet.