Saturday, May 2, 2009

KiIlin' time

Zellers is putting a damper on my fun. It's not even remotely enjoyable anymore. I need a new job. Pronto.

I'm listening to Today I Caught The Plague right now, and I'm very pleased. I"m in like chill mode. I just sat and looked at the inconsistency of colors in my jeans, for like a minute straight. It was sweet. Normally, a minute wouldn't be a very long time. Like if I were to say "I went log rolling, for a minute", you would more than likely call me a nancy, because only nancies log roll for a minute, it's just not enough. But, in the context of staring at ones pants, a minute may just be too long. A book can be read for well over three hours, but if a film is longer than that, it just gets "drawn out" and boring. Who makes these constraints? Who ever it is, they're dumb. Same as eating at the times I'm supposed to eat. What kind of garbage is that? God forbid if we have lunch after 11. Brunch is for douchbags. And Britain. I don't want to eat supper at 5-6. Thats a stupid idea. I eat supper at 9, just to prove a point. I don't go to bed at 10, or wake up at 8. I don't get the "reccomnded" 9.25 hours of sleep. I don't live to please people and I hate walmart.

I'm getting bitter. I'm going to stare at my pants. Peace and love, chillun'

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