Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If I had the oppertunity, I would punch Ronald McDonald in the mouth

I've come to the conclusion that I'd rather drink paint than eat at McDonalds again. It's not even that appealing. I don't know why people eat there. It must be for the shock value, because it's so retardedly disgusting. Did you know that their chicken nuggets are only 45% chicken. A McDonalds rep says this in a quote on an internet interview I read, and he was quite proud of it. I don't know about you, but my chicken nuggets are usually 100% chicken...well...tofu....but you get my point. They admitted that one of the ingredients in the veggie oil that they use is lighter fludi. LIGHTER FLUID. And they don't see a problem with it. They admitted willingly that there was Butane in it, and when asked if they knew what it was, they totally did. I was in awe. I've decided that McDonalds doesn't have a plan to make all the children diabetic and then own the insulin market, or kill off all the kids and make an army of cyborgs to repopulate the earth. No, they know exactly what they're doing. They're not in it for the money, because the ingredients they use arn't cheap. They're just really, really, incrediably, stupid.

Like, thats the only thing I could think of that made sense. They must have been the kind of kids that licked the lead paint off the walls. Because I can't even fathom a reason they would be so dumb. Maybe in order to work in head office at McDonalds, you have to be from atleast 100km from any City/Town, Fail an I.Q test, and have a 3 member family with 15 different relative titles. They must also wear those baseball caps with the drink holders, and each holder has to be filled with pure,unfiltered, mercury. That is the only way I can see this whole franchise making sense, because the idea of it 3/4 retarded.

"Lol yea we hve paint in r burgers, so wut???? LOL!"
-McDonalds CEO, Dr.Rere-henderson-johanson

Monday, March 30, 2009

This has nothing to do with space, bitterness. It's also not lashing out at society.

Today is a good day. I had Starbucks, and I started a watercolor. Nice day. I've never really done an actual water color before, just lots of fooling around. I think it's going pretty good actually, surprisingly even. Like I've been an acrylic guy since day one, but I'm starting to move on to other mediums. It's getting wack!

I'm working on finding ideas for a new band logo right now. Band plug time. www.myspace.com/pandafarmband. Go there. I can't find any ideas though, I might try my luck in art tomorrow. Hmmmm.

I keep spending all my money, it's really brutal. Like I have no budgeting power at all, thats like my weakness. I'm gonna work on it. Next week, I'm going to save half of my pay. No outlandish expenses. Crap. How am I going to live. Nooooooooooo

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sporatic thought much

Today, I saw Monsters vs. Aliens. Today, I saw the greatest movie Disney has made in the last 5 years. I was impressed. The characters were gold.

Right now, I am neglecting my Physics lab. Right now, I am the happiest man alive, because I'm not doing physics. Right now, I do not care about magnets.

I didn't work today. It was the epitome of everything I'd want in a day. My first no school/work day in foreverrrr. I'm quite pleased.

I am feeling kind of odd right now. I think I've eaten to much pizza. I ate a lot of pizza this weekend. And cheesy bread.

Why am I writing like that? It's just annoying to read. Like, I can't fathom why I thought it was a good idea. Hmmm, maybe I was a different person back then. All those seconds ago. I'm reading rant, by Chucky P, and it's awesome. I'm only on the 4th chapter, but it's super good. He has such a good outlook on things(behind all the gore and sex). It's not so much a positive outlook on things, but he's not dolling sutff up. He's straight forward, and he knows what people are really like. No Oprah/Dr.Phil crap, I can't stand that. It's total garbage. "Inspirational", in my world, will never be used in the context of a talk show unless mocking or pokeing fun.

I'm super blasting Son House right now. It's awesome, that is good music. It sounds a little funny, but thats because he's playing 50 year old guitar with three remaining original strings on his like deck. That is music. I love blues. I love Son House. I love three string guitars that were considered "vintage" back in the 50's. Death Letter. Good song. Get it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

where do vultures live?

Ok, so I just finished writing a paper for journalism. We had to write it on a news article that was "strange". I wrote mine on a fourteen year old boy, who pushed over and old lady and stole her cell phone, while walking his abnormally large poodle. The catch was, he was completely naked. Now, most of anyone would think that is an interesting topic. Most of you thought wrong. I honestly would rather watch something lame, like a tv that I forgot to plug in. Or like, garfield with garfield. Once you minus the cat, you never go back

Other than that, this has been a horribly unproductive day. I'm trying to book this prime band from boston, they're called "Spiritual Rez" and they are so good I almost refuse to believe that my band might actually play with them. I'm just waiting on they're price and then we got em' baby!

Also, I'd like to mention how much I'm liking this late 80's early 90's fashion comeback. Like, I wore supe violent shades of color anyways. Somedays I'm almost difficult to look at, which normally would be a totally left wing kind of garb, but I'm like conforming for some odd reason. Freaks me out really. No idea whats going on. One thing that makes me mad though, is that even though the 90's have merged with the modern styles and looks, people are STILL wearing those stupid, flat billed, shiney useless sticker that they can't remove for some odd reason, hats. I hate those hats. Don't wear them. You look like a moron

That last hat comment just like brought up some weird inner uprising. Like, I feel so bitter towards society right now for creating such a hat. What a waste. And they're like 50$. I'd feel retarded if I bought one. I think I'm just turning bitter. It's getting to much, I'm complaining a lot lately, and I usually don't. I don't think. New topic

I've started doing his thing where I don't proof read anything I write, because it's way more legit that way. Like if I spell something wrong, I could have totally meant to do that, and there could be a way deeper meaning. There clearly isn't, but the reader doesn't know that, baby! I also think it makes someone sound super lame, because if I can't type. Or make a sentence, I don't think I should toil on this blog thing for eons trying to make sure my diction is top notch, and my spelling is perfect. Because that ain't me baby, that ain't me

I'm going to go watch Samurai Jack now. I may or may not blog tomorrow

(P.S- the name of this blog is irrelevant. I just hit my CTRL+V and thats what was in there. Don't ask questions. I don't have answers)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Avast ye swarbs. There be ninjas here.

I just watched a grown man jump kick a woman in the face. It was like watching a symbolic version of everything I find amusing...except there were no googly eyes. With that in mind, I've decided to go to prom as a pirate, if I go at all. I don't really see the point in going, especially if I'm going as a pirate. Like, prom is no place for a grimy, swashbuckling, vagrant! I should be pilfering, and stealing the women and children to be slaves on my ship...which I appear to have forgotten the whereabouts too.

I am but a shipless pirate. Wait...what am I talking about. I'm getting into character way to early in the game. But, regardless of that. My colds gone, I'm stoked, and I need to watch Samurai Jack right now. On the fourth season babyyy! Four seasons is a lot for a tv show that isn't Friends or Stargate, both of which I detest, because they were on for just-tooooo-long. I used so many "o"s in that last "tooooo" because I wasn't exactly sure how many I was supposed to use to be grammatically correct. Anyways, I'm listening to Kings of Leon. They're good. So's samurai jack. Going to go watch it. Way better than doing this. Later

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My ears arn't working at the moment

I've been home sick from school all week. I neverrrr miss school. I'm unimpressed. Today I got the energy to get up, so I figured I'd hit up the bloggy blog.

I caught a cold in Europe, and with all the no sleep on the flight home it mutated into this unworldly lung/ear infection. It's not nice, and I can't hear or see well. I don't like it one bit, not oneee bit I tell you. Although I've been sleeping a lot which is nice, I went to bed as soon as I got home and slept for 21 consecutive hours. Woke up, got some food, and went back to bed for another 23, except these 23 we're broken up by slight movements/coughing fits/dehydrated water journs/etc..

I'm trying to stay up for a little bit today. I'm gonna go video game in a mintue, I need some brain stimulation. That'd be good good. Because right now, I feel like toothpaste tube leftovers, prior to the invention of the EZ squeeze, of course. We'll, I'm feeling nauseaus, so I'm going back to bed. Wooo I've been up for 3 hours. NEW RECORD