Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sporatic thought much

Today, I saw Monsters vs. Aliens. Today, I saw the greatest movie Disney has made in the last 5 years. I was impressed. The characters were gold.

Right now, I am neglecting my Physics lab. Right now, I am the happiest man alive, because I'm not doing physics. Right now, I do not care about magnets.

I didn't work today. It was the epitome of everything I'd want in a day. My first no school/work day in foreverrrr. I'm quite pleased.

I am feeling kind of odd right now. I think I've eaten to much pizza. I ate a lot of pizza this weekend. And cheesy bread.

Why am I writing like that? It's just annoying to read. Like, I can't fathom why I thought it was a good idea. Hmmm, maybe I was a different person back then. All those seconds ago. I'm reading rant, by Chucky P, and it's awesome. I'm only on the 4th chapter, but it's super good. He has such a good outlook on things(behind all the gore and sex). It's not so much a positive outlook on things, but he's not dolling sutff up. He's straight forward, and he knows what people are really like. No Oprah/Dr.Phil crap, I can't stand that. It's total garbage. "Inspirational", in my world, will never be used in the context of a talk show unless mocking or pokeing fun.

I'm super blasting Son House right now. It's awesome, that is good music. It sounds a little funny, but thats because he's playing 50 year old guitar with three remaining original strings on his like deck. That is music. I love blues. I love Son House. I love three string guitars that were considered "vintage" back in the 50's. Death Letter. Good song. Get it.

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