Monday, March 23, 2009

Avast ye swarbs. There be ninjas here.

I just watched a grown man jump kick a woman in the face. It was like watching a symbolic version of everything I find amusing...except there were no googly eyes. With that in mind, I've decided to go to prom as a pirate, if I go at all. I don't really see the point in going, especially if I'm going as a pirate. Like, prom is no place for a grimy, swashbuckling, vagrant! I should be pilfering, and stealing the women and children to be slaves on my ship...which I appear to have forgotten the whereabouts too.

I am but a shipless pirate. Wait...what am I talking about. I'm getting into character way to early in the game. But, regardless of that. My colds gone, I'm stoked, and I need to watch Samurai Jack right now. On the fourth season babyyy! Four seasons is a lot for a tv show that isn't Friends or Stargate, both of which I detest, because they were on for just-tooooo-long. I used so many "o"s in that last "tooooo" because I wasn't exactly sure how many I was supposed to use to be grammatically correct. Anyways, I'm listening to Kings of Leon. They're good. So's samurai jack. Going to go watch it. Way better than doing this. Later

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