Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lolrus is king

The lolrus is the single greatest thing ever made by man. Screw sliced bread, lolrus doesn't even require slicing. He is the epitome of everything I see as a role model.

See how caring he is

He is also a great leader

He is even wise and noble

lolrus is king win.

On another, slightly smaller note. I got my snow day. When I heard the news my face almost exploded out the back of my head. It was a half day, but it's at least 50% better than a full day. I was so overjoyed. I sat at home and wasted 5 hours doing absolutely nothing. The ideal school day. I didn't even work. This just may be the best-day-ever! I'm gonna go blast Radiohead and stare at my ceiling, because I don't have any homework, and I can.

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